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Strudwick, Helen

“The Coffins of Nespawershefyt and Pakepu at the Fitzwilliam Museum” Helen Strudwick (EEG Meeting Talk)

Inner Coffin of Nespawershefyt

At the beginning of December Helen Strudwick came to talk to us at the Essex Egyptology Group about two sets of coffins that are part of the collection at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, where she is curator. She chose these coffins as the subject of her talk because she has recently been working on them a lot and they make for an interestingly contrasting pair. During her talk she showed us many pictures of the coffins she was discussing and pointed out interesting features of the decoration. The first set of coffins she talked about belonged to a man called Nespawershefyt, who lived during the 21st Dynasty (c. 1000 BCE). The coffins are of a type called “yellow coffins” because they are predominantly yellow in colour. The set consists of five pieces: an outer box with a lid, an inner box with a lid and a mummy board. The… Read More »“The Coffins of Nespawershefyt and Pakepu at the Fitzwilliam Museum” Helen Strudwick (EEG Meeting Talk)